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Welcome to North Union High School's VEX Robotics Club website. Created last year, our website is used to share announcements, communicate with our team members, and to remember past seasons. New this year, we have included all of our district-wide VEX programs, ranging from elementary school to high school.


 What is VEX Robotics? 


VEX Robotics is a worldwide robotics competition for students enrolled in Elementary School through College (with different levels of competition) that are interested in STEM activities. Each year, VEX releases a new game for robotics club members. They are tasked to form a team which then creates a robot appropriate for the game. Often, teams also keep an engineering notebook for documentation of their robot. Over the season, teams will compete for the grand prize of competing in the VEX Worlds robotics competition.



2019-2020 Student & Parent Schedule


To the right, you can find all of this season's schedules and upcoming events for all of our VEX programs. If you wish to download the schedule, click the image.

Screenshot 2020-01-03 at 10.40.11 AM.png



2/2/2020: North Union High School Competed at the Ridgedale Competition. Teams 6008B and 6008H were the Tournament Champions.


2/1/2020: North Union Elementary competed at the RAMTEC Competition. Team 28101F won the Excellence Award and were the Teamwork Champions. Team 28101A Won the Design Award.


1/31/2020: North Union Elementary competed at Pickerington. Teams 28102A and 28102B were the Teamwork Champions. Team 28102 won the Middle School Excellence Award and the Skills Award. Team 28102D won the Design Award and team 28101F won the Elementary Excellence Award.


1/30/2020: North Union Middle competed at the RAMTEC Competition. Team 28101D won the Excellence Award.




Created and submitted by Team 6008B The Rolling Wheels

Last Updated 2/4/2020

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